Web Design
Indiana Auto Glass
Highridge Water Authority
Personal Portfolio
Designed by Mr. Rodkey while employed by Saint Vincent:
*Institute for Ministry Formation
*Other Saint Vincent sites
*Some sites above may have been redesigned. All copyrights reserved for these sites by Saint Vincent.
Video Production
Here you’ll find recent videos and other items! Request more items on the Contact page.

The Humility of the Sacred Heart in Benedictine Spirituality

Charismatic Prayer Retreat: Let Your Kingdom Come

Benedictine Spirituality Hospitality: Responding to God’s Generous Welcome to Us

Men's Retreat Courage: The Virtue of Fortitude In Our Troubled Times

The Lenten Season: Father Boniface

The Lenten Season: Father Canice

The Lenten Season: Brother Mark

The Lenten Season: Father Nathanael

The Lenten Season: Father Killian

The Monk's Habit: Father Robert

Ask A Monk! The Monks Habit: Father Lawrence

Ask A Monk! The Monks Habit: Father Shawn

The Monk's Name: Father Isaac

The Monk's Name: Father Killian

The Monk's Name: Father Canice

The Monk's Name: Father Wulfstan